Search Results On thoongavanam (Page 1 of 2)

thoongavanam (Page 1 of 2)

  • Cheekati Rajyam trailer, Cheekati Rajyam, cheekati rajyam release postponed, Thoongavanam

    Cheekati Rajyam Release Postponed 2015-11-04 09:49:06

    Padmashri Kamal Haasan increased the gear and he is managing to release 4 films every year. With lot of movies lined up in the coming days he released Uttama Villan and Papanasam this year out of which Papanasam turned out...

    Keywords: Kamal Haasan, Ghibraan, Rajesh M Selva, Cheekati Rajyam songs

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    Diwali, Diwali, kamal haasan to feature in first television commercial, Thoongavanam

    Kamal Haasan To Feature In First Television Commercial 2015-09-23 12:50:35

    Kamal Haasan so far refused to endorse any brand almost five decades. He was seen only in public service announcements. But now, for the first time the 60-year-old actor will be seen in a television commercial. On Wednesday, Kamal Haasan...

    Keywords: Pothys, television commercial, Pothys, Kamal Haasan

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    @iKamalhaasan, Rajinikanth, kamal joins twitter with ikamalhaasan, Thoongavanam

    Kamal joins twitter with @iKamalhaasan 2016-01-27 09:24:30

    Finally, actor Kamal Haasan joined the microblogging site Twitter. The actor got more than 8,000 followers on the social media network within an hour after his page went live. Twitter has verified his handle ‘@iKamalhaasan’, adding the new member. {youtube}Wf-8o95AedA|620|400|1{/youtube}...

    Keywords: Kamal Haasan, @iKamalhaasan, Twitter account, Rajinikanth

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    Kamal Hassan, Cheekati Rajyam, kamal haasan says i will not return any award, Thoongavanam

    Kamal Haasan says, “I will not return any award.” 2015-11-03 12:51:24

    Kamal Haasan has made it clear on returning awards, saying that awards are given by jury as recognition for the work and has nothing to do with the Government. He said that he would not return any award conferred on...

    Keywords: Thoongavanam, Cheekati Rajyam, awards, Thoongavanam

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    Thoongavanam, thoongavanam trailer, milestone project for trisha thoongavanam, Thoongavanam

    Milestone Project For Trisha, Thoongavanam 2015-09-18 10:56:36

    Thoongavanam is special for Trisha as it marks her fiftieth film in addition to completion of 15 years in the film industry. Directed by Rajesh M Selva, the film starring Kamal Haasan will also be released in Telugu named Cheekati...

    Keywords: Trisha, Thoongavanam, Trisha, Trisha

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    Thoongavanam news, actors in thoongavanam, only one song in kamal s thoongavanam by ghibran, Thoongavanam

    Only one song in Kamal’s ‘Thoongavanam’ by Ghibran 2015-08-14 12:38:02

    Thoongaavanam (a place that never sleeps), Kamal Haasan's next film is already in the news for its posters. After playing the role of an eighth century King and a contemporary superstar in his recent film Uttama Villain, Kamal Haasan is...

    Keywords: song by ghibran in thoongavanam, Thoongavanam news, actors in thoongavanam, only one song in kamal’s thoongavanam

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