Search Results On northern state (Page 1 of 2)

northern state (Page 1 of 2)

  • Village honour turns deadly, Can a father rejoice daughter's death, can a father rejoice daughter s death, Northern state

    Can a father rejoice daughter's death??? 2013-09-21 07:02:08

    The intensely disgusting fact gets exposure that the Indian father who forced his daughter to death as well beheaded her boyfriend subsequent to their running away, self-confessed that he feels no painful regret over the honour killings. The shocking news...

    Keywords: Honour killing, Village honour turns deadly, Father rejoiced daughter's death, Can a father rejoice daughter's death

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    Can you believe it, The unbelievable truth, miraculous event in the town of kedarnath, Northern state

    Miraculous event in the town of Kedarnath 2013-09-16 09:22:48

    ( Kedarnath Temple ) The amazing news was into prominence by police from Dehradun during Monday that workers clearing rough fragments of broken stone in a flood ruined town in the Indian Himalayas have discovered 19 million rupees in a safe...

    Keywords: Indian Himalayas, town of Kedarnath, Indian Himalayas, discovered 19 million rupees

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    Short Films On Online Frauds, Cyber Crime, junior ntr s short film on social media crime, Northern state

    Junior Ntr’s Short Film On Social Media Crime 2018-02-21 10:14:23

    Jr NTR and Hyderabad Police have come up with a different and unique short film as a part of a campaign for awareness on the social media offence. The film focuses on how social media offenders grab personal information through...

    Keywords: Cyber Crime, Short Films On Online Frauds, OTP Frauds, Short Films On Online Frauds

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    habitation of clouds in Meghalaya, India Metrological Department, cherrapunjee experiences intense heat, Northern state

    Cherrapunjee experiences intense heat! 2013-06-20 05:23:12

    When at one side India's northern states are experiencing moment of melancholy, on the contrary Cherrapunjee renamed as Sohra known as one of the wettest places on earth being naturally in the habitation of clouds in Meghalaya is experiencing unbearable...

    Keywords: India Metrological Department, Khasi Hills, East Khasi Hills district, Khasi Hills

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    OTP Frauds, Cyber Crime, rajamouli seen in short film on online frauds, Northern state

    Rajamouli Seen In Short Film On Online Frauds 2018-02-21 09:35:31

    The Cyber Crime Police has produced and launched 5 short films to spread awareness among public on the Çybercrimes. The launch happened at Prasad Film Labs by V V Srinivas Rao the Commissioner of Police. The films are focused on...

    Keywords: OTP Frauds, OTP Frauds, OTP Frauds, OTP Frauds

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    ministry of culture empanelment, icr ministry of culture, five indian festivals celebrated abroad with pep and pomp, Northern state

    Five Indian Festivals Celebrated Abroad with Pep and Pomp 2019-05-14 12:38:53

    Indians - no matter in which corner they are in the world, nothing can stop them from celebrating Indian festivals with immense fad and with equal grandeur as in India. As scores of Indians are showing keen interest to move...

    Keywords: ministry of culture programs, artist registration in india, festivals celebrated outside india, festivals celebrated outside india

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