To boost your memory drink peppermint tea 2016-05-03 10:33:23
The refreshing scent of peppermint may be just what you need to perk up your mind, a study reveals. A study by Dr Mark Moss, Robert Jones and Lucy Moss of Northumbria University who have presented their research at the...
Keywords: Northumbria University, chamomile tea, chamomile tea, Northumbria University
Read More6 benefits of Dark Chocolate 2019-12-17 11:56:13
If you are one of those craving for a dark chocolate everyday, now you have an excuse- or six. A dark chocolate with cacao content over 60% with a bitter taste is beneficial for your health. Chocolates are made from...
Keywords: curb cravings, flavanols, flavanols, cholesterol
Read MoreIs pizza hurts the environment? 2016-06-22 05:37:56
Do you know pizza hurts the environment? A recent study published in the journal Atmospheric Environment revealed that, pizza poses a bigger environmental risk than you might think. According to the researchers, the restaurants using wood-burning stoves like steakhouses and...
Keywords: Pizza, environmental risk, environment, environmental risk
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