Search Results On billboard charts

billboard charts

  • Eminem, Max Headroom, eminem s rap god tops billboard, Billboard charts

    Eminem's "Rap God" tops Billboard 2013-11-30 09:24:15

    Eminem is back to topping the Billboard charts and how! The rapper's new album "The Marshall Mathers LP 2" is breaking all records and has sold over a million copies within weeks of release. His just-released video for "Rap God,"...

    Keywords: Eminem's Rap God tops Billboard, Eminem, explicit lyrics, Rap God

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    icon, inspiration, from 1980 to 2020 the biggest female icon of each year worldwide, Billboard charts

    From 1980 to 2020 - The biggest Female Icon of Each Year Worldwide 2021-01-19 09:46:23

    Women have made big moves and impacted so many of us who live today. When it came to pop culture, women had to pave the way to help female icons today be who they want to be and embrace the...

    Keywords: cultural reset, Women, inspiration, cultural reset

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    Billboard charts, Socialite, paris hilton gained her second album, Billboard charts

    Paris Hilton gained her second album! 2013-05-24 13:19:59

    Socialite Paris Hilton, who released her first album "Paris" in 2006, has secured another record deal for herself wherein she will be represented by rapper Lil Wayne's empire Young Money Management for the new album.Hilton said this is a lot...

    Keywords: Socialite, Paris Hilton gained her second album, Lil Wayne’s empire Young Money Management, Paris Hilton

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