Search Results On corporate tax (Page 1 of 2)

corporate tax (Page 1 of 2)

  • Sam’s Club, Sam’s Club, sam s club is closing down 63 of its stores around us, Corporate tax

    Sam’s Club Is Closing Down 63 Of Its Stores Around US 2018-01-12 09:18:34

    In a shocking revelation by Walmart, it is closing down 63 of its Sam’s club stores across US. This move comes just after the praise it received from the White House over raising hourly pay and giving out worker bonuses...

    Keywords: Sam’s Club, Store Closure, Store Closure, Store Closure

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    reformative agenda, corporate tax, tax is an instrument of social engineering in a society arun jaitley, Corporate tax

    Tax is an instrument of social engineering in a society: Arun Jaitley 2015-02-28 12:08:43

    After presenting the annual budget for the fiscal year of 2015-2016, FM Arun Jaitley has spoken media as a custom, in which he supported his budget as investment friendly, and pro-poor. The dialogue came out of his mouth is “Tax...

    Keywords: reformative agenda, reformative agenda, social engineering, reformative agenda

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    howdy modi event highlights, howdy modi, howdy modi highlights prime minister s spectacular speech turns heads, Corporate tax

    Howdy Modi Highlights | Prime Minister’s Spectacular Speech Turns Heads 2019-09-23 08:34:08

    Needless to say, Narendra Modi’s speeches are highly applauded globally. In fact, his speeches contributed extensively to the Bharatiya Janata Party’s spectacular electoral success in India. But, an ardent follower of Modi can definitely say that he outperformed himself at...

    Keywords: narendra modi speech at howdy modi, narendra modi speech at howdy modi, howdy modi, howdy modi highlights

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    Howdy Modi, howdy modi event, rahul gandhi calls howdy modi world s most expensive event, Corporate tax

    Rahul Gandhi Calls Howdy Modi World's Most Expensive Event 2019-09-20 13:18:46

    Indian National Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Friday took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is all set to address over 50,000 Indian Americans in ‘Howdy Modi!’ event, saying no jamboree could hide the country’s economic mess. Former...

    Keywords: Howdy Modi, rahul gandhi about Howdy Modi event, howdy modi event, Howdy Modi

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    Largest deal in healthcare, Pfizer, largest ever deal in healthcare of over 150 billion set by pfizer, Corporate tax

    Largest ever deal in healthcare of over $150 billion set by Pfizer 2015-11-23 08:08:03

    On Sunday, a formal board approval came from Pfizer to acquire Botox maker Allergan in a deal more than $150 billion, which is largest ever in the healthcare sector. The deal that would be announced on Monday would definitely draw...

    Keywords: Largest deal in healthcare, Pfizer, Pfizer, Largest deal in healthcare

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    Indian Economy, ease in taxation, jaitley s budget energising nri investors, Corporate tax

    Jaitley’s Budget Energising NRI Investors 2015-03-02 06:58:29

    Right from the change in government, NRIs and Foreign Investors were given higher importance in the investment sector. After resolving the issue of PIO cards, the government has provided sufficient room for the Indian Diaspora to invest in industries, and...

    Keywords: lowered taxation, Indian Economy, Indian Diaspora to invest, ease in taxation

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