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Very few leaders come to political sway, with strong foundation and determination. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal belongs to this category. They emerged strong and vibrant with their own stamina and formulas. They both are not hereditary leaders like many in various national and regional parties. Sustaining in politics is really tough and challenging for leaders, especially the captains or commanders who emerged without strong base and political influence have to struggle like anything.
If we consider their skills rather than success and failures, the both will have best ranking in Indian political platform. Both the leaders know the needs and feeds of people, and also can suggest better solutions for the problems with certain planning.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra modi is having vast experience in politics right from his youth. He was most acclaimed Chief Minister, because of his mastery in using the resources completely with the aid of external elements also. Narendra Modi’s learned information on vedas, his humble background, oratory skills, stringent actions, people friendly – work force friendly tactics led him to attain the powerful position in Indian Politics. However his achievement record was not a cakewalk, he severely faced criticism over his alleged role in Gujarat riots, genocide and anti-Muslim activities. He faced international protest from the governments and human rights associations, the latest strong friend US (for him) also denied him visa.
While Arvind Kejriwal had no presence in politricks and politics,he has emerged from people’s movement for Jan Lokpal, spearheaded by Gandhian Anna Hazare. He voluntarily given up his position as a Joint Commissioner of Income Tax in New Delhi in February 2006. The Mechanical engineer from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, was Ramon Magsaysay Awardee for his active participation in bringing right-to-information legislation through the grassroots movement called Parivartan. He could able to form government with the help of Congress party in Delhi, for which he was criticized as he strongly taken on Congress’ corruption and mis-governance.
However, both the leaders can perfectly catch the breath and sense of people with their astonishing charisma and knowledge by using the sayings of Swami Vivekananda and Gandhiji. Though Narendra Modi literally captured strong base in pan-India, Kejriwal is considered to be the best choice for CM post in Delhi even after induction of Kiran Bedi into the BJP in a strategic manner.
Assessing their grip on public and public issues cannot be linked with their success in politics, which involves illegality, irrationality and in-appropriations. Right from 21st century beginning voters of India are deciding their driver (ruler) very effectively on the basis of experience, charisma, ability and knowledge rather than ancestry, caste, spending and unviable promises.
It is more suggested that the people have to decide who is better and who can do better for them in elections and representations. Continuity in service and rationality in decisions are important factors for the new age youth who are real law makers in India.