When a woman is happy, the whole family is happy. We have heard this phrase many times in our lifetime. For the better halves to give the best to their women, a knowledge of 'when' is quite important.
According to research, the ladies are most comfortable with their bodies at the age of 34. This is a change from the earlier held opinion that women at 30 reach their sexual peak. Throwing light on the confusion is Sanctuary Spa, which is a British skin and body care company.
As per the findings of the company, women are most satisfied with their bodies in their mid-30s. Bustle reported the company as finding that nearly 40% of women look into the mirror while naked everyday. Another 25% of women check their bodies once in a week. The findings were reported following a survey of 1,000 women on body confidence.
Many women in their 20s are still getting to know themselves and their bodies. This phase marks the age where ladies are exploring ways to make themselves happy and find out what is good for their bodies. By the time they hit their 30s, women have a good knowledge on what works best for them. Hence, they tend to look after their themselves by eating the right food and maintaining the most comfortable exercise routine.
Love relationships have, by now, opened up many facts about their bodies, making the women respect their bodies more compared to a 20 something. It was also reported that women are most happy with their shoulders, breasts and legs, while the stomach area was an issue that many women wanted to solve.
Source: Bustle, angrylambie1 on Flickr.
AW: Sruthi