(Image source from: Health Benifits Of Red Wine})
Heart Disease is one of the women killer, to protection against heart disease is one of the reasons why drinking wine is good for your health. According to the Mayo Clinic, red wine contains resveratrol, which helps keep your cholesterol levels in check, which is one of the easiest ways to prevent heart problems.
Antioxidants are powerful substances, which mostly come from the fresh fruits and vegetables we eat, prohibit (and in some cases even prevent), the oxidation of other molecules in the body but a glass of red wine a day certainly contributes to your intake.
Scientists in France have shown that resveratrol, the ‘miracle ingredient’ in red wine, extends lifespan and provides an infusion of energy. worms are the beneficiaries but it is thought that a similar technique could help people live longer.
Drinking moderate amounts of alcohol especially wine is linked with a lower risk of depression.Older men and women who consumed two to seven small glasses of wine weekly are 32 percent less likely to suffer from depression compared with people who never drank alcohol.so it’s no surprise that drinking wine makes you feel good.
It was found that a substance found in grapes and other fruits could protect blood vessels in the eye being damaged by old age. It is effective because the compound, known as resveratrol, stops the blood vessels from being damaged.sipping a glass of wine on a regular basis can help reduce your risk of cataracts.
(Resveratrol) A molecule that is an active ingredient in red wine can slow the aging of human cells. It extends the life expectancy of every organism that, so far, has been fed on it, including yeast, worms, and fruit flies.
More than 12,000 women aged 70-81. Moderate drinkers scored better than teetotalers on tests of mental function. Researchers found a boost in brainpower with one drink a day. Moderate drinkers had a 23% reduced risk of mental decline compared with nondrinkers.
AW: Arun Kumar