WHO Warns, COVID-19 “May Never Go Away”- Then What’s The Future Of The World?
May 14, 2020 14:06
(Image source from: nbcbayarea.com)
The world is busy setting the guidelines and new rules to stop coronavirus but WHO says- we must learn to live with it just like we live with HIV. This statement from the World Health Organization is said when the global death toll reached approximately 3,00,000.
From The US Federal Reserve, there is an estimation of economic damage in America if the lockdown continues longer than this.
The U.S President Donald Trump tweeted “"We just made a great Trade Deal, the ink was barely dry, and the World was hit by the Plague from China. 100 Trade Deals wouldn't make up the difference -- and all those innocent lives lost!"
As per the latest report, in the U.S more than, more than 1800 people died due to COVID-19 and the total deaths is 84,059.
Vaccine To Beat Coronavirus Totally Or Not?
A successful vaccine will definitely allow the world to set back by lifting up the lockdowns and it is a source for the creators to earn high. But WHO recently passed a statement saying that coronavirus may never vanish from the world.
"HIV has not gone away- but we have come to terms with the virus."- HIV still exists in spite of curable medications and it is we who are taking measures to transmit it. Similarly, we have to tackle with COVID-19 taking the measures.
State Of Lockdowns in Other Countries
Since the first news of the coronavirus outbreak, the whole world has shut down. Different countries are re-starting normal life in phases.
Across Europe, the summer tourism is going to be started. To save the alarming economic loss with constant lockdown. But its officials are planning to free up the country in phases and along with measures. Coming to England, the government is allowing for people to move more liberally.
In France, the people are allowed to visit beaches and it got re-opened on Wednesday. It is only for swimming and fishing.
India is under lockdown currently and the confirmation on the extension is yet to be revealed. PM Modi said, “we must win over the virus but our lives cannot revolve around it”. He also asked the nation to be more self reliant to save the economy.
By Ramya C