Sci-Tech ( Page 12 of 31 )

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NASA Plans To Launch Spacecraft To Touch The Sun June 03, 2017 12:12

It is a mission that has been under the work for nearly 60 years. NASA said that, in 2018, it is going to launch a spacecraft to "touch the sun," sending the spacecraft closer to…

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Smartphones with best batteries May 27, 2017 12:25

One of the major key features while buying a new phone is to check its battery capacity. With increasing specifications, phones drains a lot of battery. We at least expect a phone to run one…

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Scientists Generate Blood Forming Stem Cells May 19, 2017 13:19

The scientists have generated blood-forming stem cells in the lab, an advancement in the technology which brings them "tantalisingly close" to create a limitless supply of the human blood to treat various types of blood…

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Cyber attacks create Chaos around the Globe May 13, 2017 06:57

A massive wave of cyber attacks swept across more than 70 countries around the world on Friday is being reportedly termed as the biggest attack of its kind ever recorded. The attack is believed to…

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Humans have 100 years to leave Earth: Stephen Hawking May 06, 2017 09:08

Renowned English theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking stated that humans must leave Earth in the next century and colonize another planet to ensure the survival of humanity, considering the dangers that lie ahead of us. Stephen…

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ISRO launches India’s gift to South Asia May 05, 2017 13:00

India made its major space diplomacy push today, when ISRO launched GSLV-F09 (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle) carrying the GSAT-9 or the “South Asian” satellite at 4:57 p.m. (IST) from Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. The launch of…

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Indian-origin scientist helps develop robot drill for Skull surgery May 03, 2017 13:14

A team of scientists, including one of Indian-origin have developed a new computer driven robotic drill, which can make a type of complex cranial surgery 50 times faster than standard procedures. The automated robotic drill…

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NASA’s Cassini dives through Saturn’s Rings April 28, 2017 13:19

The unmanned NASA’s spacecraft ‘Cassini’ has survived its plunge between the rings of sixth planet Saturn and after briefly going offline for the flyby, it is communicating again with Earth, the United States space agency…

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South Indian Frog Mucus Kills Flu Virus April 20, 2017 06:47

Have you ever thought, that frog mucus can kill flu virus..? A research shows that a component of the skin mucus secreted by the South Indian frogs has the ability to kill H1 variety of…

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Indian-origin scientist discovers, why Artifical Intelligence can be racist and sexist April 15, 2017 11:34

An Indian-origin scientist, along with a team of scientists have found that ‘Artificial Intelligence systems’ can acquire cultural, racial or gender biases, when trained with ordinary human language that are available online. Many experts think…

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Fungal Pesticides Offer Alternative To Traditional Chemicals April 14, 2017 12:56

Pesticides based on fungi are just one example of the biopesticides, a group that also includes the bacteria and biochemicals derived from plants. Biopesticides are only a tiny segment of the market for now, but…

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Indian-origin’s startup attracts investments from Boeing April 06, 2017 13:25

An Indian-origin man, who founded a hybrid electric aircraft startup has received investments from aerospace giants ‘Boeing and JetBlue’ owing to its goal to develop alternative propulsion aircraft. Ashish Kumar founded Zunum Aero three years…

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