Search Results On tablighi


  • delhi police, home ministry, inaction on delhi police and government s part led to covid 19 outbreak, Tablighi

    Inaction on Delhi police and government’s part led to Covid-19 outbreak? 2020-04-01 06:00:24

    If you have kept up with the news, it is likely that you know about the sudden surge in the Covid-19 cases owing to the reports of the Tablighi Jamaat that was held in the Nizamuddin Mosque in Delhi. While...

    Keywords: government, tablighi jamaat, home ministry, delhi police

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    MOH, visa, government blacklists 960 tablighi foreigners cancels visa, Tablighi

    Government blacklists 960 Tablighi foreigners; cancels VISA 2020-04-03 09:56:37

    With the extensive spread of the coronavirus in India following the Tablighi Jamaat congregation in Nizamuddin, Delhi, the Indian government has blacklisted 960 foreigners and cancelled their visa after finding out about their involvement with the Tablighi Jamaat activities. The...

    Keywords: MOH, tablighi, foreigners, covid-19

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    state, india, coronavirus in india latest updates and state wise tally, Tablighi

    Coronavirus in India – latest updates and state wise tally 2020-04-04 07:06:49

    The coronavirus global pandemic has starting imposing its impacts on India, taking the toll of the confirmed cases in the country to over 3000. With so many cases being confirmed every single day, the country noticed the highest surge in...

    Keywords: coronavirus, india, state, state

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    hospitals, tablighi jamaat, indian hospitals refuse admission of muslim patients following islamophobia surge, Tablighi

    Indian hospitals refuse admission of Muslim patients following Islamophobia surge 2020-04-21 07:41:30

    Reports suggest that two new born babies died in hospitals in Jharkhand and Rajasthan after the hospitals refused to treat the Muslim mothers.A Muslim woman in Jharkhand miscarried after she was barred from getting any treatments from the hospital in...

    Keywords: tablighi jamaat, india, hospitals, tablighi jamaat

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    nizamuddin, narendra modi, pm narendra modi to have a video conference discussion with cms, Tablighi

    PM Narendra Modi to have a video conference discussion with CMs 2020-04-02 04:54:18

    With the sudden rampant rise in the number of positive cases in India since two days, India is on higher risks of community spread, which is likely going to prove fatal for the country. The country has been on complete...

    Keywords: India, India, tablighi jamaat, India

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