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online retailers

  • Tata Consultancy Services, $1.5 billion deal, walgreens boots alliance extends tie up in 1 5 billion deal with tcs, Online retailers

    Walgreens Boots Alliance Extends tie-up in $1.5 Billion deal with TCS 2020-02-04 07:18:41

    Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA) which is an American pharmacy retailer has expanded its strategic partnership with the IT services provider Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) making a deal of a $1.5 billion across a ten- year period from US pharma retailer...

    Keywords: Tata Consultancy Services, Walgreens Boots Alliance, Walgreens Boots Alliance, Tata Consultancy Services

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    Rolling Coal in Colorado, Colorado news, colorado to start fining rolling coal vehicles, Online retailers

    Colorado to start fining ‘Rolling coal’ vehicles 2017-05-23 05:31:36

    Governor John Hickenlooper is all set to sign a bill that will impose a fine on all the “coal-rollers” who use modified diesel trucks to smoke out unwitting bystanders. But what is ‘Coal rolling’? Coal rolling has roots in diesel...

    Keywords: Colorado news, Governor John Hickenlooper, Denver news, Denver news

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    Indian government, amazon online shopping portal, amazon launches new online shopping site in india, Online retailers

    Amazon launches new online shopping site in India! 2013-06-05 12:25:59

    A new Internet shopping site have been initiated by online retail legend Amazon on Wednesday while provoking existing crucial competition in the rapidly growing "e-tail" market. Now, coming to the new site, would be offering books, movies at the...

    Keywords: amazon, amazon online shopping, online retailers, Internet shopping

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