Are you consuming meat as source of protein? Beware! A recent study revealed that, protein in meat can cause obesity in the same way sugar does.
According to the study published in the journal BMC Nutrition and the Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences, protein in meat is causing obesity as it is digested after the fats and carbohydrates. This makes the energy released from protein a surplus, which then is converted and stored as extra fat in the human body.
The study suggests, meat in modern diet creates surplus energy leading to obesity. Several other academic papers in the past had reported the same, but it was often argued that obesity was due to the fat content in meat, researchers said. The researchers studied the correlation between meat consumption and obesity rates in 170 countries.
Times of India reported, Maciej Henneberg, Professor, University of Adelaide, said that, "Based on our findings we believe meat protein in the human diet is also making a significant contribution to obesity. In the analysis of obesity prevalence across 170 countries, we have found that sugar availability in a nation explains 50 per cent of obesity variation while meat availability another 50 per cent."
"Nevertheless, it is important that we show the contribution meat protein is making to obesity so that we can better understand what is happening. In order to curb obesity it might make sense for dietary guidelines to advise eating less meat, as well as less sugar," added Henneberg.
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