Small Changes In Lifestyle Easily Cuts Cancer Cases, Data Suggests
September 19, 2015 10:36
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Figures have indicated that a third of cancer cases were cut in the UK with healthy eating, more exercise besides cutting down alcohol. This means it is easy to cut cancer cases with healthier lifestyle.
According to the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) data, 20,000 breast cancer cases and 19,000 bowel cancer cases could be prevented each year with small lifestyle changes. More than 351,000 new cancer cases were recorded in 2013 in the UK. As per WCRF, 84,000 could have been cut.
Dr Rachel Thompson, research head said, simple lifestyle and diet changes could make "a huge difference in the battle against cancer.”
"Even minor adjustments, like 10 to 15 extra minutes of physical activity each day, cutting down on alcohol, or limiting your intake of high calorie foods and sugary drinks, will help decrease your cancer risk," Thompson said.
"There is strong evidence that being overweight or obese increases the risk of 10 cancers," she said.
She added that the most important thing that people could do to cut cancer risk is by cutting out smoking and having a healthy body weight. It is well known about the link between a healthy lifestyle and the cancer risk and this new data strengthens the link.
Public Health England, health and wellbeing director, Prof Kevin Fenton said, "The link between tobacco and cancer is widely known and readily accepted by the public, but many are not yet fully convinced that healthy eating, regular exercise and not drinking alcohol, can lower your cancer risk."