Avengers: Endgame: Boyfriend Set Strict Rules for Girlfriend Before Watching Marvel Saga
April 26, 2019 05:20
(Image source from: theatlantic.com)
The wait is finally over for the millions around the world who have been waiting for the release of Avenger: Endgame termed as the “most epic battle ever”.
The die-hard Marvel fans have been making plans the whole of last year ever since Avengers: Infinity War and naturally, people are going out of their way to ensure that the experience is perfect.
However, a die-hard Marvel fan went the extra mile to make sure that the experience of watching this endgame beyond perfect. The guy before going for the movie sent a detailed text list to his girlfriend not do disturb him while watching the movie. He specified exactly what she was allowed to do during their movie date, and he also mentioned quite firmly what he wouldn't entertain.
He said that Kamilla Rose, the girlfriend, will not be allowed to eat any food during the movie. She may, however, drink water provided she does so silently. He also states that she is not allowed to communicate with him in any way during the entire length of the film, including the end credits.
Kamilla took to Twitter to share the text that her boyfriend had sent her:
My boyfriend sent me a very sternly worded note about our cinema trip to see #AvangersEndgame tomorrow. Mad because I thought it was just date night pic.twitter.com/ZWfsCwRqV7
— Kamilla Rose (@KamillahRose) April 24, 2019
However, not to the surprise, the tweet quickly went viral, with numerous Marvel fans supporting her boyfriend:
He's soo right! I asked my wife to stay at home with kid. No distractions entertained.
— Raheel (@RaheelTwittes) April 26, 2019
Lol not gonna lie I may have to just pass this message on to mine. He’s a legend for this!!!
— Alpha Wolf (@TrickzMakai) April 24, 2019
This is actually the best he deserves an award
— MR S.king-powell (@mrkingpowell1) April 24, 2019
— Joel Jackson (@boomer4568) April 24, 2019
I think this seems perfectly reasonable I’m now single so I can watch it in peace
— All You Need Is (@MsMusicBrady) April 24, 2019
And let's not forget "please allow time for me to update my list ranking. Any disruptions during this time will be prohibited"
— Ellie Smith (@e_rjsmith) April 24, 2019
Alllll facts!!!
— Notez (@NotezSantana) April 24, 2019
-Sangam Sowmya